"Making communications work for you"

Ideas and examples - examples of functionality you could benefit from
Mobility - Integrate key mobile workers with their office extension. Their mobile phone can be twinned with the office phone so that the two ring together. The advantage of this is that it makes it more likely for your clients to get through to key personnel on the first call and it makes it easier for your key worker to stay in touch with colleagues by dialling them internally as if they were in the office. A call can be answered on either device and easily switched between the two. The call can be connected via the mobile network or via the built in voip client using WIFI or 4G. The mobile app (Android and iOS) has extensive functionality and allows the user to place a call through the phone system as if calling from the office itself rather than the mobile. This means any call logging and call recording that has been setup on the system will still apply to the mobile call. The app also gives the user the ability to view the presence and call status of colleagues phones in the office, deal with voicemail messages, control conference calls, transfer an caller to someone else in the office and integrate with Outlook calendar. There is also an option for the mobile device to provide geo location information as to the whereabouts of the mobile worker making it easier for the office to check on the ETA of an engineer attending a service call and keep your client informed for example.
Desktop integration - It is now possible to connect your phone to your desktop applications such as Outlook, Salesforce, Lync, Google apps, Office 365 etc. This means you can dial a call direct from a contact in those applications and where applicable an incoming call will pop the relevant contact record associated with the number. Outlook will also keep a log of all your calls and Salesforce can create a note of the call in the relevant record.
Emergency backup - What happens if your phone lines go down or your staff can't access your building for whatever reason? We can now offer a hosted backup emergency service. Once setup in a secure data centre this stays ready for when you need to have your calls diverted from your office. It might just be to a voicemail message or you could expand on this and have an IP phone or phones that you can plug into any suitable broadband service allowing key staff to still make and receive calls. This could be at their homes, another site or via your data circuit at your main site if it's just the main phone lines that are down.
Call recording - Whether it's for regulatory purposes or training and reminders call recording can also be very useful for anyone who makes a lot of support and/or sales calls, particularly when they are long and involved. When youe staff know the call is being recorded they can concentrate on listening and responding to the caller rather than making notes for later reference.
Call logging - As well as helping you keep an eye on your call spend detailed extension call logging has many other benefits too. Reports can show you whether calls are being missed and clients or potential clients are putting the phone down before they get answered. It can also help identify regular nuisance callers who waste your valuable answering resources (we can then have these calls blocked and automatically disconnected by your phone system). If you have staff that are tasked with making support or sales calls call logging can provide valuable feedback as to their progress. Some companies use our call logging offering as reporting for an informal or entry level contact centre. It comes with unlimited wallboard options that can be run on large wall mounted displays with customisable panels and display of call and user data.